2019 B.W.A. Bonenkai

This year, we celebrated our end of the year party, Bonenkai, at the Black Angus Restaurant in Chula Vista. Kikue Graeber and Laurine Ota worked tirelessly to ensure that this event would go without a hitch. And it did. Close to 30 members and friends came together to enjoy a delicious lunch and fun-filled holiday gift exchange. A heartfelt message from Karen Akahoshi was read to us by our President, Kikue Graeber, expressing her appreciation and gratitude for the support she and Reverend received from Temple members during their son’s battle with cancer. It was very tearful and deeply felt to hear her thoughts as we tried to understand their feelings of grief and deep loss at this time. Namo Amida Butsu

(Note: Click on the photo to see additional images.)

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