Easy Renewal for Members in 2024!

Good News: Once again in 2024, membership rates remain the same.

The reason? Your generous support, even during our struggles with the pandemic. You’ve really made a difference. All of this helps us keep our rates flat again this year.

Renewal Form

If there have been no substantive changes for you since last year as to address or contact information, just download and fill out this short renewal form. If form still shows 2023, please update.

Note: You can upgrade your current membership level or increase the program donations at this time.

Please mail or fax or take a snapshot on your phone to send along. (Note on Texts: While the Temple does not have a smartphone for texts, you can send your texts and photos to Bill Teague at 619-248-3749.)

If you have moved or have other changes with email or phone numbers, try this two-page form.

Easy Pay

We are happy to receive your renewal in the form of a check in the mail, against a credit cart (if we have your credit card on file or provide us with the information in your renewal form) or via our PayPal GIVE link above. Please be sure to note that the donation is for your membership renewal.

If you need help or have questions, please call or text or email Bill Teague, membership chair, 619-248-3749 or btcomms@cox.net.