Australia Bushfires: Your Help Is Needed

Photo: fvanrenterghem/Flickr

Photo: fvanrenterghem/Flickr

As you may have already heard Australia is currently suffering one of its worst wildfire emergencies in history. Fires that started in June of last year and spread to critical levels in November have already killed 27 people, including 4 firefighters.

  • 41,000 square miles of brush, forest, and parks have been consumed by fire.

  • 5,900 buildings have been destroyed, including 1,800 homes.

  • 1 billion animals have also been killed.

  • The Australian capital Canberra has experienced high levels of smoke pollution.

Celebrities and professional athletes have donated to various fundraising appeals for wildfire victims and firefighters, but more help is still needed. Our Board of Directors recently voted to run a donation drive and do our part as a temple to lend a helping hand to our Australian brothers and sisters.

Starting today and until January 31st our temple will be collecting monetary donations which will then be channeled to the Australian organizations that are currently involved in disaster relief efforts.

Please deliver any monetary donations in person at the temple office or mail them to 2929 Market Street, San Diego CA 92102. Any amount helps.

DanaArturo Rubio