Kenji Sensei in Today's San Diego Union-Tribune

Photo Credit: Sam Hodgson, San Diego Union-Tribune (Copyright (c) 2020. All rights reserved.

Photo Credit: Sam Hodgson, San Diego Union-Tribune (Copyright (c) 2020. All rights reserved.

FEATURED in today’s San Diego Union-Tribune, our own Kenji Sensei discusses serving our members during the pandemic.

In her copyrighted feature article “Together in Sprit: Ministering in a Time of Quarantine,” Sandi Dolbee interviews local spiritual leaders, including Kenji Sensei.

In the article under the heading, “Dharma and a Birthday,” Sensei is described recording his Dharma Talk in front of his home altar, talking about the shif from an attitude of “please” to one of “thank you.”

“Please is about wanting something you don’t have,” he is quoted as saying. “Thank you is about being grateful for what you do have. Do that and your life will become “very enriching.”

The interview describes his weekly Buddhist lessons on YouTube and Zoom meetings with temple members.

The reporter also notes that Kenji Sensei celebrated his 78th birthday in isolation — we need a virtual party to celebrate.

Read more here.