Keeping Current with "Retired" Kenji Sensei!


Kenji Sensei’s Latest Class Is Live from San Jose

Our retired minister, Rev. Kenji Akahoshi, will be teaching a three-part introductory series, Buddhism: Simply and Clearly. Sessions will be zoomed Nov. 1, 15, and 29 at 7 p.m.

ZOOM LOGIN NOW AVAILABLE. rEV. Rev. Kenji has suppkied ghe login for all three sessions and asked the Temple to share them directly.
Meeting ID: 844 2741 0864
Passcode: 7qb69R

Sensei tells us he will be covering familiar material in the first session (moving from “Please” to “Thank You”) but the second and third session will cover new material.

Congratulations, Sensei, on your new class.