BTSD Now an Affiliate of Everyday Buddhist!

The Buddhist Temple of San Diego is now an affiliate of Everyday Buddhist, the online site with structured programs to learn more about the Dharma and our Jodo Shinshu tradition.

With a goal of helping people find meaning and fulfillment in an everyday life, Everyday Buddhist has prepared a Buddhist Course Pathway for all individuals to take at their own path.

Note: a number of our Ministerial Assistants have long been subscribers to Everyday Buddhist. While the number of affiliate temples continues to grow, it already includes Orange County Buddhist Church, Pasadena Buddhist Temple, San Fernando Valley Hongwanji Buddhist Temple, Seattle Betsuin Temple, and Vista Buddhist Temple.

Your Subscription Benefits Buddhist Temple of San Diego

When you subscribe to Everyday Buddhist, you are able to identify our temple as the affiliate to receive 10 percent of your payments for your access.

Subscription Model: Monthly or Annual

As of this writing, you can subscribe on a monthly basis (at $10) or annual ($95). Learn more here.