Budismo Historia y Conceptos Basicos con Arturo Rubio-Torres

Budismo en Español

Introducing a new occasional series of presentations in Spanish. Most Temple members know our long history of Temple members raised in Mexico, for whom Japanese may have been their first language, Spanish their second, and English their third. We honor them with this series, and we hope to use this opportunity to make the Dharma more available. In this first video, Temple Board Member Arturo Rubio provides a basic introduction to Buddhism, as prepared under the supervision of our Resident Minister, Rev. Dr. Kenji Akahoshi. We hope to share messages from other Temple speakers of Spanish over time.

Arturo Rubio es un estudiante de budismo desde hace mucho tiempo y es miembro de la junta directiva del Templo Budista de San Diego. En "Budismo: historia y conceptos básicos" comienza con el Buda histórico, Siddhartha Gautama. Este video es el primero de una serie de videos ocasionales sobre el budismo en español.

Spirituality, Español.BT SD