2019 Winter Clothing Donation Drive Ends: Bringing A Little Warmth To San Diego’s Homeless


The Dana Group wishes to thank all temple members and Dharma friends who supported the 2019 Winter Clothing Donation Drive. Thanks to your donations we were able to collect four large boxes and two large bags full of sweaters, jackets, sweatshirts, socks and other cold weather clothing items.

All these items were picked up by Streets of Hope and they were very grateful and amazed by the amount of donations collected by our temple. This organization holds an event every Monday night in which they go out and distribute bags of food, water and other items among San Diego’s homeless. The image above shows your donations being distributed in Downtown San Diego on the evening of December 16.

Again, thank you so much for your support. Your generosity brings a little warmth to San Diego’s homeless.

About Streets of Hope

This organization’s vision is to give hope to those who live on the streets of San Diego.  It desires to see the quality of their lives enhanced in every way: emotionally, intellectually, physically and spiritually.

The Streets of Hope mission is to build a community where those who have much can serve and give to those who have little, because it believes that real transformation happens through relationship in community.

DanaArturo Rubio