February Shotsuko Hoyo and Kenji Sensei on "Angry Child - Wise Elder"

Super Bowl Dharma

Angry Child - Wise Elder. Kenji Sensei starts explaining segments of the country on their thoughts on Super Bowl to remind us that internally, each of us are also composed of different segments.

Drawing on psychology, Kenji Sensei explains how just like with sports loyalties or politics, even our ego is built of many segments. A practice that includes meditation or contemplation, he notes, helps us recognize our concerns or issues more deeply, and better understand our role in them. Only then, he suggests, are we prepared to access our “wise elder” and accept the concerns of the “angry child” without acting out.

Response-Able - Responsible. With a wiser ad more compassionate understanding, we are better able to respond accordingly, so that being “response-able” is the best way to be “responsible” in our actions.

Shotsuki Hoyo. The February monthly memorial service allows Kenji Sensei to read the names of beloved Temple members who passed away in the month of February, including some who as recently as 2020.