January Bussei Script: No Self and Whole Self
Please download the January Bussei Script, which includes Kenji Sensei’s insightful Dharma message for the New Year: “No Self and Whole Self.” In his message he helps us understand how the Buddha sees happiness, and how we can understand the concept of a Happy New Year.
Following see the reminders sent out in the body of the email sent out December 27 with the link to the newsletter.
The Temple Clean Up will take place this Sunday, on December 29 at 9:00 a.m.
This office will be open this Monday, 12/30, instead of New Year’s Day.
Please Join Rev. Akahoshi for The Year End Service, Joya-E, at 7 p.m. on the 31st, then the bell ringing, Joya No Kane, on Shelter Island at 11:30 p.m. Remember that parking is a short walk, so come early or ride share if you can.
On January 1st the New Year's or Shusho-E Service will be held at 10 a.m.
The Dharma School/Family and the monthly remembrance Shotsuki Service will be held on the 5th.
Buddhism 1-2-3 will meet on the 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th. Please join us on Wednesday at 7 p.m. By providing your email address for the class, you will get updates on dates and class studies.
Tai chi will meet on the 9th, 16th, 23rd & 30th this month, not on the 2nd.
BTSD Bingo has been SAVED! The Temple will start taking over on January 11th. Doors open at 4:30 and bingo starts at 6 p.m.
There are no Crafts in January. The group has decided to get together regularly even if they do not have a project. The offer still stands if you would like to organize and lead the group, please contact the temple.
A BEC Talk with Rev. Noriaki Ito will take place on January 18th at 7:00 p.m. There is no charge for members in good standing, and a $5 recomended donation for everyone else.
The Ho Onko Service will be on January 19th with guest speaker, Rev. Noriaki Ito from the Higashi Honganji in L.A. Our New Year’s Party will follow the service. Please be sure to fill out the reservation for lunch even if you are over 88 or became a new member in the last year. The deadline for reserving lunch is the 12th, so get your order in as soon as possible.
On January 26th we will hold our yearly General Membership Meeting with a potluck lunch. Please come out for this important meeting to learn the health and plans of the temple. We also must have a quorum of members for the meeting to go on. We hope to see you there.
Looking to February 2020
Join us on February 16th for the BWA Memorial and Nirvana Day with guest speaker, Rev. Thompson from Denver.
2929 Market Street
San Diego, CA 92102
619-239-0896 ~ info@btsd.net