UPDATE: Feb. 16 and 17 with Rev. Yukiko Motoyoshi

Saturday (2/16/19) 7 p.m., BEC Lecture — Sunday (2/17/19) 10 a.m., combined BWA Memorial Service and Nirvana Day Service.

We have two great opportunities to hear the Dharma from Yukiko Motoyoshi Sensei as she helps us appreciate our tradition.

Saturday Lecture. For the Buddhist Education Committee, Motoyoshi Sensei is addressing the dynamics of our recitation of the name of Amida Buddha in the presentation, “From Negativity to Positive: The Power of O-Nembutsu.” The lecture occurs on Saturday, Feb. 16, at 7 p.m. in the Sangha Hall.

Sunday BWA Memorial Service. For the BWA Memorial component of the combined service, we honor the important founders of the Buddhist Women’s Association (Fujinkai) first in Japan and now as an international organization. This includes our gratitude for the important women who created and expanded the organization, starting with the Lady Takeko Kujo in the early 1900s. The combined service starts at 10 a.m., Sunday, Feb. 17, in the Temple’s main hall (Hondo) on the top floor of the building.

Sunday Nirvana Day Service. For the Nirvana Day component of the combined service, we contemplate the passing of the founder of all Buddhist schools and sects, Shakyamuni Buddha. In this way we show our appreciation for the lasting impact of this great spiritual teacher. Again, the combined service starts at 10 a.m., Sunday, Feb. 17, in the Hondo.

UPDATE NOTE: An earlier version of this article identified two separate Sunday services, following a previous model. Recently we combine the two services so all can appreciate both aspects. We apologize for the error.